
Art & Humanities Database (ProQuest Central)
Providing online access to 400 contemporary specialist art titles.

Bibliographies & Indexes

Literature citations for journal articles, monographs, proceedings, theses, patents, translations, audiovisual materials, computer software, and technical reports pertaining to all aspects of agriculture.(AGRICultural OnLine Access).

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, ERIC provides extensive access to education-related literature, including coverage of journal articles, conferences, meetings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books and monographs.

Abstracts of authoritative information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and more from the National Library of Medicine. For full text to materials abstracted in MEDLINE, access the Health and Medical Collection or Nursing & Allied Health databases.

Books & eBooks

eBooks Central
Collection from ProQuest providing access to authoritative ebooks from the world's top publishers on a range of subjects: arts, business management, education, general knowledge, health & medicine, history & political science, law, literature & language, religion & philosophy, science & technology, and social science.

World Book eBooks
A collection of 25 classic and 25 additional proprietary World Book non-fiction titles. Desktop computer and tablet users may access the site via browser or checkout content for offline use. The checkout function allows an unlimited number of simultaneous users.


ABI/INFORM Complete (ProQuest Central)
Provides information on company and market research: company profiles; annual, industry, market & commodity reports. Also includes current business & economic conditions, management techniques & corporate strategies.

Accounting, Tax & Business Collection (ProQuest Central)
Information on accounting policies and standards, state and national tax legislation, corporate and individual taxation, compensation and pension plans, and corporate financial management, as well as profiles of accounting firms, CPAs, and management consulting firms.

Asian & European Business Collection (ProQuest Central)
Covers Asian (Eastern Hemisphere) business and financial information from key international publications including Far Eastern Economic ReviewAsiaweek, and many more.

Business Market Research Collection
A new database that was part of ABI/Inform and also includes Hoover's, Ox Research Country Reports and the Snapshots Series Industry Reports.

Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database (ProQuest Central)
A Canadian focus on current events, business, education, science and medicine, arts, law, academia, and lifestyles.

Entrepreneurship Database
Designed for entrepreneurs wanting quick access to the latest information on business topics, quick access to useful toolkits, and recommendations from experts in Editor's Picks.

Career & Vocational

Career and Technical Education (ProQuest Central)
Research on accounting, auto mechanics, building trades, computing science, graphic design, healthcare, photography, sales and retail & more in the Vo-Tech curriculum for both students and instructors.

Mango Languages
Provides language learning experiences with step by step lesson plans for 71 different languages. This database features ESL lessons for over 16 languages along with a text translator. *First time users must create a profile in order to use this resource.

Education & Library Science

Education Database (ProQuest Central)
Access to over 1,090 top educational publications, including more than 800 titles in full text.

Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, ERIC provides extensive access to education-related literature, including coverage of journal articles, conferences, meetings, government documents, theses, dissertations, reports, audiovisual media, bibliographies, directories, books and monographs.

Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA)
Contains abstracts from over 300 periodicals from around 40 countries and 20 languages, providing comprehensive bibliographic coverage of the scholarly literature related to library science.

Library Science Database (ProQuest Central)
Access to over 150 top publications in library and information science. Specifically designed to provide full-text support for core titles included in the Library & Information Science Abstracts database.

Research Companion
Developed to help students do more effective research and assist educators in teaching the information literacy core principles of finding, evaluating, and using information.


African American Heritage
A groundbreaking digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research.

HeritageQuest Online
Combines digital, searchable images of U.S. federal census records with the digitized version of the popular ProQuest Genealogy & Local History collection and other valuable content.

General Research

Credo Reference
Online reference service that combines authoritative reference content with a one-stop exploratory search platform.

eLibrary: Academic
General reference collection of periodical and digital media content specifically tailored for K-12 schools and libraries of all kinds, covering a variety of subjects including business, education, general interest, health, language arts, sciences, social sciences, and many other curriculum-specific subject areas.

eLibrary: Guided Research Interface
Provides access to eLibrary's periodical and digital media collection through a user interface specifically designed for student researchers.

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
World Book's content, rich media, and interactive features in Spanish for young learners.

ProQuest Central
A cross-disciplinary research tool with 39 databases that can be searched together or individually.

Research Library (ProQuest Central)
A mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and other resources covering 150 subject areas: arts, business, education, engineering and technology, health and medical, history, law, literature and languages, multicultural themes, psychology, natural sciences, social sciences, & women's studies

SIRS Discoverer
General reference database for elementary and middle school learners, researchers, and educators covering curriculum areas and content sets such as reading, language arts, current events, science, social studies, history, health, and technology. SIRS Discoverer provides editorially-selected, indexed, and curated materials from over 2,100 newspapers, magazines, and websites offering guided research for young researchers.

SIRS Issues Researcher
Background and analysis on 350+ leading issues, providing pros and cons on social, scientific, health, historic, economic, political, and global issues.

World Book Advanced
A reference tool for 8th grade and up that includes an encyclopedia, multimedia, e-books, and primary source databases all fully integrated in a single search interface.

World Book Discover
Reference resource with content and tools specifically tailored for students reading below grade level because of language or learning difficulties.

World Book eBooks
A collection of 25 classic and 25 additional proprietary World Book non-fiction titles. Desktop computer and tablet users may access the site via browser or checkout content for offline use. The checkout function allows an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

World Book Kids
General reference tool for young students with easy-to-read articles, thousands of illustrations, videos, comparison tools, and a wealth of engaging games and activities, including an atlas, interactive maps, flags, and over 200 game and activities.

World Book Student
A research tool tailored for students in elementary & middle schools with over 40,000 encyclopedia and reference articles, 10,000 biographies, multimedia, videos, animations and student activities.

World Book Timelines
A resource for accessing or creating timelines for projects in the arts, literature, notable people, science & technology, world history, geography and more. Users can select a built timeline and make changes or create new timelines then images and videos.

Health & Medicine

Family Health Database (ProQuest Central)
Includes journals and magazines covering an enormous range of health subjects, from sports injuries to women's health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry.

Health and Medical Collection (ProQuest Central)
Provides reliable, comprehensive journal coverage of clinical and biomedical topics, consumer health, health administration and more.

Health Management Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text access to journals covering all aspects of health administration, including hospitals, insurance, law, health economics, public health administration and more.

Medical Database
Provides access to over 1,400 essential publications in full text covering topics across all areas of the medical sciences. The content is diverse enough to support the needs of medical students, faculty, and clinicians.

Abstracts of authoritative information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and more from the National Library of Medicine. For full text to materials abstracted in MEDLINE, access the Health and Medical Collection or Nursing & Allied Health databases.

Nursing & Allied Health Database (ProQuest Central)
Provides users with reliable healthcare information covering nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and more. Suitable for researchers at healthcare facilities in addition to students of nursing and allied health programs at academic institutions.

Public Health Database (ProQuest Central)
Provides access to core literature in the field of public health, including new and periodical coverage. Includes access to full-text dissertations covering topics such as biostatistics, environmental health sciences, epidemiology, health services administration, international public health, maternal and child health, and occupational safety and health.


History Study Center
Collection of primary and secondary sources on global history from ancient times to the present.

International Resources

Australia & New Zealand Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text, academic journals locally published in Australia and New Zealand. Subjects cover major areas of study: uding business, science, technology, medical, social sciences, political science, and humanities.

Continental Europe Database (ProQuest Central)
Provides access to full-text academic journals locally published in European countries such as France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal.

Provides access to cultural reports, statistics, and primary source material for countries across the globe, including the United States and Canadian provinces. Includes unique information such as native recipes, interviews, photos and videos. Contains four modules: Kids, Provinces, States and World.

East Europe, Central Europe Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text, academic journals locally published in the East and Central Europe region. Subjects cover major areas of study: uding business, science, technology, medical, social sciences, political science, and humanities.

East & South Asia Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text, academic journals locally published in the East and South Asian countries. Subjects cover major areas of study: uding business, science, technology, medical, social sciences, political science, and humanities.

India Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text, academic journals published locally in India. Subjects cover major areas of study: uding business, science, technology, medical, social sciences, political science, and humanities.

Latin America & Iberian Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text, academic journals locally published in Latin American countries including: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela, Spain and Portugal. Subjects cover major areas of study: uding business, science, technology, medical, social sciences, political science, and humanities.

Middle East & Africa Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text, academic journals published in a number of Middle Eastern and African countries. Subjects cover major areas of study: uding business, science, technology, medical, social sciences, political science, and humanities.

Turkey Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text, academic journals locally published in Turkey. Subjects cover major areas of study: uding business, science, technology, medical, social sciences, political science, and humanities.

U.K. & Ireland Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text, academic journals locally published in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Subjects cover major areas of study: business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.

K-12 Student Resources

Provides access to cultural reports, statistics, and primary source material for countries across the globe, including the United States and Canadian provinces. Includes unique information such as native recipes, interviews, photos and videos. Contains four modules: Kids, Provinces, States and World.

Early World of Learning (World Book)
An online resource for preschoolers & children in early elementary that includes three interactive learning environments:

  1. Trek's Travels offers narrated stories, interactive games, and original videos that teach critical early childhood themes, including numbers, shapes, colors, opposites, and more.
  2. Welcome to Reading provides leveled readers to develop and strengthen phonics, vocabulary, phonemic awareness and comprehension skills. The Lexile Framework® for Reading ensures that early readers use text at their level.
  3. Know It offers a visually rich first encyclopedia that will captivate early learners with non-fiction topics of interest and importance to them.

eLibrary: Academic
General reference collection of periodical and digital media content specifically tailored for K-12 schools and libraries of all kinds, covering a variety of subjects including business, education, general interest, health, language arts, sciences, social sciences, and many other curriculum-specific subject areas.

eLibrary: Guided Research Interface
Provides access to eLibrary's periodical and digital media collection through a user interface specifically designed for student researchers.

Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
World Book's content, rich media, and interactive features in Spanish for young learners.

Research Companion
Developed to help students do more effective research and assist educators in teaching the information literacy core principles of finding, evaluating, and using information.

SIRS Discoverer
General reference database for elementary and middle school learners, researchers, and educators covering curriculum areas and content sets such as reading, language arts, current events, science, social studies, history, health, and technology. SIRS Discoverer provides editorially-selected, indexed, and curated materials from over 2,100 newspapers, magazines, and websites offering guided research for young researchers.

World Book Advanced
A reference tool for 8th grade and up that includes an encyclopedia, multimedia, e-books, and primary source databases all fully integrated in a single search interface.

World Book Discover
Reference resource with content and tools specifically tailored for students reading below grade level because of language or learning difficulties.

World Book eBooks
A collection of 25 classic and 25 additional proprietary World Book non-fiction titles. Desktop computer and tablet users may access the site via browser or checkout content for offline use. The checkout function allows an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

World Book Kids
General reference tool for young students with easy-to-read articles, thousands of illustrations, videos, comparison tools, and a wealth of engaging games and activities, including an atlas, interactive maps, flags, and over 200 game and activities.

World Book Student
A research tool tailored for students in elementary & middle schools with over 40,000 encyclopedia and reference articles, 10,000 biographies, multimedia, videos, animations and student activities.

World Book Timelines
A resource for accessing or creating timelines for projects in the arts, literature, notable people, science & technology, world history, geography and more. Users can select a built timeline and make changes or create new timelines then images and videos.


Learning: Literature
Students can find author biographies, contemporary criticism, reviews, and multimedia resources from medieval times to the present.

Literature Online (LION)
Primary and critical text database for literary research at all levels. The collection includes full text of more than 350,000 works of poetry, drama, and prose stretching back to the 8th century through the present day.

News & Newspapers

Canadian Newsstream Complete (ProQuest Central)
Canadian newspaper coverage from Prince Edward Island to Yukon Territory.

Ethnic NewsWatch
Bilingual, English and Spanish, comprehensive full text database of newspapers, magazines and journals from ethnic, minority and native presses.

Global Breaking Newswires (ProQuest Central)
Provides timely access to the newswire content from around the globe.

International Newsstream (ProQuest Central)
Provides the most recent news content outside of the US and Canada. Collection includes African Newsstream, Asian Newsstream, Australia & New Zealand Newsstream, European Newsstream, Latin American Newsstream, Middle East Newstream.

U.S. Newsstream (ProQuest Central)
Provides the most recent premium U.S. news content, including archives as far back as the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. For academic and public libraries, US Newsstream offers exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and co-exclusive access (with Factiva) to The Wall Street Journal. US Newsstream also offers one of the largest collections of local and regional newspapers, and is cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform.

Science & Technology

Literature citations for journal articles, monographs, proceedings, theses, patents, translations, audiovisual materials, computer software, and technical reports pertaining to all aspects of agriculture.(AGRICultural OnLine Access).

Agricultural & Environmental Science Database
Provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. This database includes specialized, editorially-curated A&I resources covering such topics as the effects of pollution on people and animals and environmental action and policy responses.

Biology Database (ProQuest Central)
Wide range of research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology, and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science.

Computing Database (ProQuest Central)
Full text research on subjects such as database design, software development, web commerce, LANs, WANs, Intranets, and the Internet.

Science Database (ProQuest Central)
Full text and images for the leading periodicals in science and technology, covering computers, engineering, physics, telecommunications, transportation and more.

STEM Database (ProQuest Central)
Composed of more than 500 full-text scholarly journals and popular science magazines covering research and instruction in earth, life, physical, medical and applied sciences; and technology, engineering, and math.

Telecommunications Database (ProQuest Central)
Full text of top telecommunications industry publications. Includes magazines, journals, and newsletters, including graphics and images.

Social Sciences

Criminal Justice Database (ProQuest Central)
Comprehensive collection of U.S. and international criminal justice journals including information for professionals in law enforcement, corrections administration, drug enforcement, rehabilitation, family law, and industrial security.

Provides access to cultural reports, statistics, and primary source material for countries across the globe, including the United States and Canadian provinces. Includes unique information such as native recipes, interviews, photos and videos. Contains four modules: Kids, Provinces, States and World.

Linguistics Database (ProQuest Central)
Comprised of index and full-text articles covering all linguistics subject areas, including the Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA) and Linguistics Database.

Military Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text access to a comprehensive collection covering military subjects including defense, aeronautics and space flight, civil engineering, political science, and more.

Political Science Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text of leading political science and international relations journals. Provides full-text coverage of many core titles from Worldwide Political Science Abstracts.

Pronunciator provides both guided and self-directed instructions for 80 foreign languages, and ESL for 50 non-English languages. Includes a Course Designer for the creation and deployment of custom courses by educators.

Mango Languages
Provides language learning experiences with step by step lesson plans for 71 different languages. This database features ESL lessons for over 16 languages along with a text translator. *First time users must create a profile in order to use this resource.

Psychology Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text coverage from top psychology publications; suitable for both students and mental-health care professionals.

Religion Database (ProQuest Central)
Comprehensive collection of journals covering religious issues and perspectives, including news and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspective of a particular religion, and formal theological studies.

Social Science Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text access to journals and publications covering sociology, social work, anthropology, politics and related fields.

Sociology Database (ProQuest Central)
Full-text coverage of many core titles indexed in Sociological Abstracts and Social Services Abstracts (SASSA). Includes full-text doctoral dissertations on sociology.